We want to guarantee the best - for everyone from farm to fork. That’s why we source our organic herbs and spices close at the origin, sustainably produced for people and the environment. We leave pesticides or other chemicals out of the production proces. On top of that, the growers’ love and attention for plant and soil is very important for us. This allows us to ensure that the herbs and spices can develop as naturally as possible. And become even tastier. Healthier. Better.
Our drive is to make food as natural as possible and lives healthier. Which goes beyond our product. Packaging has an enormous influence on the environment. Ours are as natural as possible, using recycled cardboard and cork when possible. To reduce our footprint even further, we use the smallest or best stackable packaging, so it takes up as little space as necessary during transport.
All our organic herbs and spices are Skal certified. This means that the independent Skal foundation supervises the organic chain and checks whether production complies with the organic EU regulation. Over the last couple of years there is a growing interest in food that contributes to a healthy and well-considered lifestyle. Demand for healthy food, thus herbs and spices, has increased equally. The Skal Organic Controle Foundation was set up on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Organisation to monitor the enormous supply and demand of sustainably produced food. A company is only allowed to use the organic certificate and quality mark when their regulations and testing meet the requirements. The Skal quality mark is the ultimate guarantee for truly organic food.
How to be even more sustainable, fair and natural? We ask ourselves that question daily. Our team searches for innovations to make production greener and we are committed to fair employment opportunities, living income and safe working conditions for the growers of our herbs and spices. As we are not afraid to ask critical questions ourselves, we are also not afraid to ask them to our suppliers. To monitor and guarantee this, industry-wide, we are affiliated with the Royal Dutch Spice Association and the ESA, the European Spice Association.